Friday, July 10, 2009

Pam & Ray

Pam & Ray, originally uploaded by Adventures of Pam & Frank.

Today a friend of mine sent me her family photos. I dug through my flickr stuff and came up with a recent one of me and Rachel, taken in May. We had spent the day hanging out at the beach in Pacific City, Oregon, at Cape Kiwanda. (Look! I have sunburn starting on my face! The Kiddo's cheeks are always rosy...)

They have a gi-normous sand dune at the cape. I think the city website says it's 300 feet high.
Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City, Oregon

Crazy people (including yours truly and her insane daughter) try to climb it, then run pell-mell from the top down to the bottom. Most people biff it, somersault, and end up with a mouth full of sand. It's so steep I can barely climb past the base.

Sure is fun trying to climb it, though.

We love PC. (Pacific City.)

PS: Don't forget - our big Blogwarming Party starts here on Monday July 13th!

PPS: Just a side note... I was giggling at a post on made by Salem Man where he talked about Google Alerts. I have several Google Alerts set up, which help me come up with interesting things to blog about. I have not yet blogged about Rolyat Royam, but that's a great idea for a future post over at

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